Annual Waste Management and Minimisation Fund for Markets

This is a preview of the Waste Management and Minimisation for Markets form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Annual Waste Management and Minimisation Fund for Markets

* indicates a required field.


New Plymouth District Council is committed to creating a Zero Waste district. 

If you are planning a recurring market in the district, it is a mandatory requirement to have a waste minimisation plan in place.

Funding is available to assist the delivery of your plan. This includes the following:

  • Appropriate disposal of diverted waste (mixed recycling, compost and glass)


Applicants seeking funding for the disposal of diverted waste must achieve 50% waste diversion at all of their markets. 

Bond Payment

 NPDC can provide recurring markets with Zero Waste bin wraps and lids on loan for the duration of the market season, or on an ongoing basis.  At the end of the market season or if the market ceases to run, these must be cleaned and returned to NPDC within 5 working days of the final market.  Failure to return the equipment will result in a bond of $100 being invoiced to market organisers until they are returned.

Event Specific Waste Details

In addition to the Annual Waste Management and Minimisation for Markets plan, market organisers are expected to provide event specific waste details should they hold a market or event which deviates significantly from the annual waste plan and would be likely to create an increase in waste.  This could include a much higher number of patrons or food vendors.  In this instance, please contact an NPDC Waste Minimisation Officer for advice.

I understand the funding requirements * Required
We understand that markets held on NPDC reserved land require a venue hire agreement before the process of this application.
I understand that I am obliged to complete an accountability report either annually or after the final market of the season, which will include the diversion rates and any learnings.