Planting our Place - Te Korowai o Tāne 2024/2025

This is a preview of the 2024/25 Te Korowai o Tāne POP - Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Planting our Place - Te Korowai o Tāne

* indicates a required field.

Purpose of the fund:

The purpose of the Te Korowai o Tāne grant is to assist not for profit community groups in purchasing native tree and shrub species to plant on their relevant properties. This grant will provide  ‘wrap around’ support for New Plymouth’s community to engage in positive action for climate change and the environment and will augment the work occurring through the planting of public land through Planting our Place to facilitate and expediate achievement of the 10% urban vegetation cover.

New Plymouth District Councils Vision:

Council's vision is to be a sustainable lifestyle capital. Our mission is to provide our people with an innovative and resilient district that restores mauri, protects our environment and supports a successful economic transition, while providing quality infrastructure and leadership through operational excellence. The five goals are:


Strengthening a treaty based partnership with tangata whenua and building not-for-profit, private enterprise, and government to improve outcomes for all.


Understanding and balancing our people's needs and wants through prudent delivery of quality infrastructure and services.


Achieving well-being through a safe, creative, active and connected community while embracing Te Ao Māori.


Nurturing our environment, mitigating our impact and adapting to climate change.


Growing a resilient, equitable and sustainable economy where people want to work, live, learn, play and invest across our district.

Community Outcomes and Key Blueprint Directions

The NPDC has eight community outcomes and this project specifically supports three:

  1. Environment - enhance the natural environment with biodiversity links and clean waterways
  2. Communities - strengthen and connect local communities
  3. Citizens - enable engaged and resilient citizens

Applicants: please note

Before completing this application form, you should have read the Planting our Place - Te Korowai o Tāne policy.

Incomplete applications and/or applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

This section of the application form is designed to help you, and us, understand if you are eligible for this grant. It is crucial that you complete these questions before any others to ensure you do not waste your time applying for an unsuitable grant.

If you have any questions in regards to these eligibility criteria, please email 

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for the Planting our Place grant the applicant must be a community group or not for profit organisation, which includes (but is not limited to):

  • Schools
  • Sports Clubs
  • Kohanga reo, kindergartens, Early Childhood Centre and Play Centres
  • Marae

This fund is intended to assist with increasing our urban native vegetative cover. The space to be planted must be within the New Plymouth District and ideally contribute to our priority planting areas such as urban areas and towns/villages and sites near known ecological/biodiversity corridors.


  • Before and after photos must be provided to confirm the planting has been undertaken.
  • Funding must be used for Indigenous plants only.
  • Planting must be intended to be in perpetuity.
  • NPDC will be modelling carbon sequestration through grants allocated in each funding round
  • Only one application will be accepted per property
  • Maximum of $5000 per group excluding GST.

Applicants must provide a quote for the plants from a supplier approved by NPDC. there suppliers are:

  • Grow Native
  • Kauri Park
  • Landscape essentials
  • Living Tree Nursery
  • Naturally Native
  • Otaraua Hapū Management Committee 
  • Totara Glen Nurseries
  • Ngāti Tawhirikura Hapū Charitable Trust

Confirmation of Eligibility

I confirm that the applicant ...

  • has read and understands the policy guidelines 
  • is able to demonstrate alignment between their project and the aims of this program
  • is a not-for-profit organisation (includes educational institutions such as schools and kindergartens)
  • is incorporated, or is auspiced by an incorporated organisation for the purposes of this application
  • is located in (and/or supplies services to) within the New Plymouth District
  • is able to demonstrate financial viability 
  • does not owe any reports or money to the New Plymouth District Council as a result of previous funding or grants
  • has the appropriate type and level of insurance for the activities that are the subject of this grant
  • I have a quote from a NPDC approved supplier
  • is not a political party / seeking capital funding.
Please select below: * Required
You must confirm that all statements above are true and correct.